Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hanging Socks

Yesterday, Thor disappeared for awhile. When I went looking for him this is where I found him. He was in his room playing in his sock bucket, as he does often. This time he discovered that a couple pairs of the socks had little hooks on them. So he decided that they needed to be hung up on the bucket.


Last Saturday Pop killed the first deer for the family. Thor wasn't too sure about it. This is all the closer he would get to touching it on his own.
Then he saw it's toes! He kept saying toes, toes, toes! I guess he was looking for toe jam!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Little Man!

When we were in Indiana we found this 3-piece suit. He wore it to church last Sunday and boy was he a star! I was nervous about the shirt being buttoned all the way with a tie but he didn't seem to notice it, he left it on all through church.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas socks

I wore these red penguin Christmas socks one day last week to work. Later on that evening he pulled them off of me and wanted me to put them on him. So I did. He actually went to sleep that night with them on!
The first week of December we had our Christmas diner at church. He thought that this vent protector was some kind of climbing device. He didn't stay there long.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I know it's been awhile. So here's an update and some pics from our trip to Indiana. He got his cast off 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. And we are sure glad that it did! That thing smelled horrible!! The week before Thanksgiving, Thor and I went to Indiana to visit my family up there. He had a great time! This first pic is of him with my brother, his Uncle Dean, in their Colts jerseys.

We went to my Aunt Linda's house to eat diner one night so we could see most of the family at one time. They have a black cat named Peanut and Thor tried to "play" with him. But when Peanut wouldn't play, Thor decided he would play with Peanuts toys. The cat kept running and hiding under the bed and Thor got a flashlight and kept calling "P" and looking for him under the bed. It was so cute!!

Thor even got to read with his Great Grandma Oaks.

Him eating lunch lunch with Great Papaw Bear on Wednesday before we left for the airport.

Thor with his Papaw, my dad, outside after church.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Peanut Festival

This past Saturday we went up to Dothan to the Peanut Festival. We met Justin and Kelley and some of her family to celebrate her birthday. After eating the anticipated fair food of corn dogs and elephant ears we headed to the midway for a ride on the carousel. This was his first ride on a carousel and he loved "riding" the horse. He didn't want to get off.

Wondering what Thor and Curry are so excited about? Scroll down to the next picture!

THIS!!! Thor LOVED the demolition derby. Every time the cars would crash into each other he would laugh and clap. Let's just hope he doesn't grow up and do this one day!

And the winner is......................

Yes, this tiny car was the winner of the derby after several rounds of demolition and elimination.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fall is in the air

Yesterday afternoon we took some fall pictures out around the property. He was too interested in the gourds and flowers to look at the camera . But I got a few good ones, Chaille' got a few good ones as well as I was trying anything and everything to get him to look and smile at us. I tried out my close up skills when he was playing with the flowers. ENJOY!

Friday, October 31, 2008


We had our annual Trunk-or-Treat at church tonight. Thor had about as much fun as he could. We took turns holding him and putting him in the stroller. He was an Indian, in case you couldn't tell from the pics. Here are some pics of him with some of his friends. This one is with Ty, he was a Fly Fisherman.

Here's Thor with Kye, a biker chic, and Renner the Skunk. Thor liked grabbing Renner's fuzzy belly.
I think we're in LOVE!! Thor, you better watch yourself going after those wild women!!
And we even got to meet Bobby Bowden!! (a.k.a Keaton)He was so exhausted he was out before we even got all the way out of the parking lot.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Definition of BED HEAD!!

So this is what Thor looked like Monday morning when he woke up! Definitely not a good way to start a Monday! I think the pictures speak a lot for themselves!

Pumpkin Carvin

Saturday evening we went to some friends of ours from church annual pumpkin carving party and cookout. Thor wasn't quite sure what to think about the inside of the pumpkin. We carved pumpkins, decorated cookies, and went on a hay ride. Needless to say we were all very tired by the end of the day. (the pictures loaded in backwards order) After Curry carved the pumpkin, we set it and Thor up for some pictures. He throughly enjoyed taking the lid on and off and was very proud of himself when he put it back on. (him clapping)
He had to make sure daddy got all the guts out of it! Is it empty, buddy?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Goat Day

This morning we went to Goat Day in Blountstown. This was Thor's 2nd Goat Day. Not sure why they call it Goat Day because there is only a small pen on the side that has some goats in it. The rest of it is arts and crafts booths and vendors. They had all kinds of blow up jumpy things for older kids. Thor liked getting close to the baby pig.
There was one booth that had all kinds of wooden kids toys. Thor got a wooden fishing pole and had to try it out.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Here's the cast!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Getting Outside

First Major Injury!

Yes, we have had our first major accident! Last night we were riding on the golf cart and he slipped behind me and before I knew it , he was laying on the ground screaming. We rushed to the ER in B-town. After several hours they told us he had a fracture in his right leg! So they called TMH and they said we could go ahead and come over, this was at 11:30 last night. So we headed to Tally. Got to that ER at about 12:30 and finally at 3 am we were leaving the hospital with a splint on his leg. He goes tomorrow at 10:20 to get a cast on his little leg. :(
It has been very hard to keep this little guy still. He keeps forgetting that he can't walk and it is getting very frustrating to him. We've had a lot of screaming and crying the past 24 hours.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sleepy Head

I know, I know it's been FOREVER since I last posted. I used to post after Thor went to bed but I've been so tired this past month that I've been going to bed not long after him. Anyways, here's some pics I've taken in the past week or so of him falling asleep in funny places.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Closed doors are no longer safe!

The doors in our house have the lever pull down kind of handles and now Thor is tall enough to stand on his tip toes and stretch to reach them. After going around the house and just pulling the handles down for a couple of days he finally figured out how to push or pull on them to open the doors. Luckily the exterior doors have regular knobs and he won't be escaping the house yet, just rooms.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

Tropical storm Fay made her way through North Florida last week dumping many inches of rain. A lot of roads were closed due to flooding. The lakes and rivers got their fare share as well. Here are some pictures I took at the Ochlocknee River Dam at Lake Talquin.
Flood stage for Ochlocknee river is 25 feet. I think at it's highest it was almost 33 feet!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Go Colts!!

Thor's ready for football season!! His Mamaw got him this jersey and socks last year knowing that one day they would fit. Well here they are finally fitting just in time for a Colts Pre-Season game tonight!!