Monday, June 23, 2008

My sick baby Thor

As you know Thor's 1st Birthday has come and gone already and I know ya'll are waiting for pictures. After his party on Saturday some of us went swimming. Thor felt hot to the touch so I took his temp before he went to bed, it was 101.8! So I gave him Tylenol and put him to bed. He woke up Sunday morning, temp was over 102. We fought the temp all day, it was staying between 102 and 103 all day. Late Sunday night it was almost 104! So after cooling off in the tub we headed to the ER. They couldn't find anything wrong with him but gave him a dose of Augmentin and gave us a prescription for it. Well, when we got home he threw up the medicine and all the juice and crackers he had been eating all night. After another bath, he went to bed-fever still over 102. He woke up this morning, Monday, fever still over 102 so we headed to the doctor. She checked him all over and said that his throat looked awful and he even had an ulcer on one side of his throat. Poor little guy. So diagnosis: viral tonsillitis. No antibiotic just motrin and tylenol every 2 hours for the fever. Well here it is late Monday night and he's in bed, fever still over 102. I'll get pics of all the events, first hair cut and party, in the next couple of days.


Jessica said...

Poor Baby! I didn't even know he was sick!

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I'm sorry that he's so sick! What an awful way to spend his first birthday!
We hope that he's feeling better!

Chaille' said...

I hope my baby is feeling better today. He has felt so bad and been soooo hot!!! I can't stand it when he's this sick! It's funny how you are happy to see any little smile come on his face! You get used to his happy little face and when it's not there, it's sad!