Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First Beach Trip

This past weekend Thor and I went to Ozark with Kelley to meet and visit her family. On Saturday we all went to St. Andrews beach in Panama City. This was Thor's first time to the beach. He loved the sand! Not long after we got there a thunderstorm rolled in and we hung out under a picnic shelter.
While waiting for it to dry up we went ahead and had lunch. Thor's favorite was Cheetos! (if you click on the pic to make it bigger you can see all the cheese on his face!)
After lunch we went back out. He was very eager to get in the water but made sure I was right there with him, holding my finger.
YUCK!!! This water taste nasty!!

The two of us were laying on my float out in the water floating around on the waves. Next thing I know he's asleep. So I carried him up to the beach and laid on my lounge chair under the umbrella. One tired boy!!


LESLIE said...

I'm so jealous! I can't wait to take Kyers to the beach!

Cayla said...

He is so sweet when he is sleeping! That is when he isn't saying "Pop, Pop, Pop" :) Just Kidding, I love him no matter what he says or does!