Saturday, March 27, 2010

Train table project

Last year Thor started getting into Thomas the train stuff. At Christmas we bought him his first track kit. Ever since then we have been wanting to get him a train table. Well I looked at them on line and on Craig's List and they were just too expensive and of course too small. So Curry decided he could build one a lot bigger and cheaper. A few weeks ago him and John got all the supplies and painted it. Then last weekend they put it all together while I cleaned off the front screened in porch. Thor was helping daddy spread the glue for the 'grass' carpet. Then he helped screw in the screws.

As you can tell, Thor loved helping his daddy and loves his new train table.
After it was completely finished they started putting the track together. I think they stayed out there on the porch until almost 10:00 that night! Curry and I figured out that Thor's train is more than twice the size as store bought ones and it cost us a fourth of the price!